Every Wednesday, from 01/17/2024 to 06/19/2024, 6pm - 7:30pm
Connection Point
One Church: 2734 S Washington St, Kokomo, IN US 46902
Join us on Wednesdays at 6 PM for Connection Point. We have ministry opportunities for the whole family, and we would love for you to come check it out!
The Fall semester will break on November 22nd, resume November 29th, then conclude the semester on December 6th. The Winter/Spring semester will kick-off on January 10th and conclude June 19th.
Kid's Ministries (Nursery-5th Grade):
Ministry Opportunities for Nursery and Preschool, Elementary Small Groups, and Bible Quizzing
Student Ministries (6th-12th Grade):
Worship, Small Group, and Games - Meet in the Youth Cafe
Young-Mid Adults:
602 Rooted Class - Meet in the Chapel
Adult Ministries:
- Generation X: *This class will resume in Spring of 2024.*
- Men's Bible Study: Meet in Room 318
- Women's Bible Study: *This class will resume in Spring of 2024.*
- Blessing Bracelets Ministry: Fellowship with other women while making bracelets - Meet in Room 303
- January 24, February 28, March 27, April 24, May 22 - Meeting at 1 PM and/or 6 PM on the dates listed
- Choir Rehearsal: Teens/Adults are invited to join our choir - Meet in the Choir Room