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November 5, 2023

Building A Life of TRUST

GOD'S CHALLENGE: "If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us." (Numbers 14:8)
"Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not fear." (Numbers 14:9)

Up until now, the children of Israel had walked by FAITH! But all of a sudden, they decide to no longer walk by faith, but by SIGHT! Hebrews enlightens us and reminds us by saying, "Without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God!"

Our question as we look to the future is: “Do We Have Eyes of FEAR or Eyes of FAITH?” The 12 Spies came back with the same report. But 10 of the spies had eyes of FEAR...and only Joshua and Caleb had faith enough to believe God could help them! They ALLOWED their problems to overshadow their possibilities. And only those who had eyes of faith ever saw the promises God had for them.
